Syprosoft has extensive experience with fluid flow and drug delivery. We have dealt with control of both compressible and uncompressible fluids. We have experience analyzing laminar and turbulent flow and the creation of eddy currents and vortices. We have experience with traditional analysis methods such as Bernoulli and Boyle’s law as well numerical methods. We helped design an air cylinder based method of delivering minute quantities of a drug at a prescribed rate. We designed the control system for pumping air pressure cuffs to augment venous return during diastole. We helped design the water cooling system for a cardiac laser therapy system. Descriptions of some sample projects follow.
External Counter Pulsation Developed system for air flow control for this ECP system for angina therapy
Blood Processing Performed verification and validation and developed some of the software for a chair-side blood collection and processing system
Pain Management Developed apparatus for qualification testing of a flow control device used for pain management drug delivery.
Glucose Measurement Developed control system and user interface design of a peristaltic pump based non-invasive continuous blood glucose measurement system.
Insulin Delivery Developed control software and part of the electronics for a very precise air cylinder controlled wearable drug delivery device.
Dialysis Flow MeteringDeveloped hardware and software for the measurement of mass flow rates of gases and liquids.
Transmyocardial RevascularizationContributed to design of irrigation flow control for laser based cardiac surgery to treat angina.