Syprosoft has extensive experience with laser and optics design. We have used Zemax to design lasers, lenses, and illumination systems. We have experience with Holmium, Erbium, CO2, Nd:YAG and IR lasers. We have worked with laser-tissue interactions and characterized thermal effects and acoustic effects of laser pulses. We have experience with both pulsed and continuous wave lasers. We have designed telecentric lenses, parallax detection systems, and multi-path lens systems for wide-field views. We have experience with fluorescence imaging and filtering. We have experience with improving imaging performance using appropriate illumination systems including IR lighting. Descriptions of some sample projects follow.
Digital Dental ImpressionDeveloped a working prototype for a confocal imaging system used for making 3D dental impressions.
Atrial Fibrillation TherapyDeveloped a method of creating a transmural lesion in the myocardium using a Holmium laser.
Surgical LaserDesigned a Holmium:YAG laser suitable for surgical procedures such as discectomy, foraminoplasty , and lithotripsy
Cell CountingDeveloped an accurate cell counter for an implantable device using turbidity measurements
Wide-field Retina ImagerDeveloped a prototype of an wide-field retina imager using fusion of a central path and multiple peripheral paths.